Thursday, March 1, 2012

Code Coverage: Cobertura, and Testing Load-time Weaving with Maven

Our cassandra-triggers implementation uses AOP. Virgil also uses it for connection pooling and retries. More specifically, each of these projects uses load-time weaving, where the byte code of the classes is changed at runtime. For testing purposes, we have the following added to our pom file:
This adds the aspectjweaver agent to the jvm runtime, which enables and performs the load-time weaving. When we went to gather code coverage information on the projects, we ended up with the following exception out of aspectj.
[IsolatedClassLoader@1342ba4] warning register definition failed -- (BCException) malformed class file
malformed class file
org.aspectj.weaver.BCException: malformed class file
 at org.aspectj.weaver.bcel.Utility.makeJavaClass(
 at org.aspectj.weaver.bcel.BcelWeaver.addLibraryAspect(
Evidently, aspectj doesn't like cobertura instrumented classes. After much googling, I couldn't find a good solution. There appeared to be a lot of back and forth between cobertura and aspectj. To avoid the situation entirely, I simply decided to maintain to pom files. I swapped out the plugin above that adds the agent jvm, for the snippet below that enables compile-time weaving:
This swaps from load-time weaving during testing to the compile-time weaving, which allows cobertura and aspectj to play well together, which means you'll get accurate code coverage numbers in Sonar.

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